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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Establishing Zion

Almost a year ago I thought it would be a cool idea to make a blog that had to do with the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.. obviously not an official church website.. so I made the blog, and called it Establishing Zion.. I thought maybe I would put up things to help out the church in Latin America, since there is not much info here, ideas for activities, family night, church lessons, drawings for primary, etc... which i still hope to accomplish. until recently I had not done anything with this blog page.. it just sat, blank... While not having much relation with the church, I decided to dedicate it to a page of service, help, thoughts, and any little thing I can think of to help people and to "establish zion", just to put some use to it.. I invite you to visit it, even though there is not much there right now. Any ideas, or suggestions would be great. the goal is just to help establish zion by serving and helping in any way possible!

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